Illustrations of macuahuitl – Aztec obsidian swords. The macuahuitl ( maquahuitl), however, delivered a shock to the Europeans. The Spanish were familiar with some of the natives’ implements of war : bows and arrows, spears, clubs, and shields. Yet, the Aztec warrior culture wielded a unique weapon of their own that struck fear in the hearts of the conquistadors: the macuahuitl. The Europeans’ steel weapons and armor and their horses allowed them to dominate the natives. Survival Knife The Spanish conquerors of the 16th century were met by the sophisticated Aztec culture when they first landed on the shores of Mexico. Notes: A short, powered club that can deliver a significant charge when it strikes a target. Notes: Completing Quest The Sect given by Rhiek Okina from the Outcasts in Dead Forest on Kashyyyk Stone Knife Notes: A Sword given to you by Rydel Delan. How to obtain: Crafted by a Trader (Munitions) or Trader (Engineering) - Schematic. Notes: This forged steel sword was the traditional weapon of the Unfyr Warriours of the Ka'hren. How to obtain: It was a reward for the Jabba's Theme Park missions given by G-5P0. How to obtain: Looted from Colonel OR-5 in the Decrepit Droid Factory. Notes: Schematic received from Quest "Nak´tra Crystals and Knives" from Treesh (-6 -468) in the Myyydril Caverns How to obtain: Crafted by a Trader (Munitions) - Schematic. You will have the choice to get either the Junti Mace or the Vexa Flechette Pistol. How to obtain: Quest reward for completing Rryatt Trail Rodians. It takes an extreamely skilled fencer to even carry it properly, let alone use it in battle. Only the strongest warriors ever carried them, and the feel of the weapon tells you why. Notes: The Eventide Smasher is a weapon of the Nefarious, a sword of incredible strength and weight. Notes: Some looted versions also have Energy damage. How to obtain: Crafted by a Trader (Engineering) - Schematic. How to obtain: Crafted by a Trader (Munitions) or Trader (Engineering) - Schematic How to obtain: Quest reward from Find out what the Rogue CorSec are Doing. How to obtain: Quest Loot drop from Forward Commander Mk. How to obtain: A quest reward from Chief Kerritamba in the Kkowir Forest of Kashyyyk. Notes: This well used sword shines from extensive polishing of the Obsidian blade. How to obtain: Quest reward from Symbiosis quest, also looted from The Storm Lord or created with the Chu-Gon Dar Cube and Faintly Glowing Booster, Dimly Glowing Bottle, & Warmly Glowing Rod. Your weapon will automatically execute the Freeze Spike effect. Fencers who used the Bloodshot Ripper were unheard of without a lifetime of rigorous training. Notes: The Bloodshot Ripper is another of the infamous weapons that Treun Lorn collected and kept in his personal museum of deadly blades. How to obtain: Looted from N-K "Necrosis". Notes: A sword formerly owned by Vansk of the Blackguard. How to obtain: Looted from Vansk of the Blackguard or created with the Chu-Gon Dar Cube and Faintly Glowing Brazier, Warmly Glowing Deed, & Dimly Glowing Liquid. Your weapon will automatically execute the Overwhelming Shock attack. This bug appears to be in animation appearance only, with the actual damage output being normal. This sword may be bugged, i was using this the otherday, and while i had it equipped, i was throwing punches and kicks instead of slashing with it. How to obtain: Quest reward from Curing the Great Tree.